A patio with chairs and tables on the beach

Your Virtual Real Estate Firm

With over 30 years of invaluable experience, our founder, Gloria Stevens, is your dedicated guide in the realm of real estate. With our expertise in the Florida real estate market, we are poised to guide you through the process, making it as effortless as possible. Continue reading to learn more about Gloria Stevens and Florida Real Estate Network Solution (FRENS).

Our Commitment

Our dedicated team is committed to keeping you educated and well-informed throughout every step of the journey, ensuring that you have all the necessary information to make informed decisions.

A close up of some rolls of paper on top of a floor plan
A dining room table with blue chairs and a staircase.

Helping You With All Your Real Estate Needs

We understand that buying a home is a significant investment, and we are excited to be your trusted agent, providing personalized and professional service. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to assisting you in finding the perfect home in the Sunshine State of Florida.